Friday, April 27, 2012

April 28th: SLiDE, back to school, Yr 12 jackets and work

If you haven't watched SLiDE, you should watch it. Seriously, like, now. Especially if you're Australian. It's basically a more comedic, less dramatic Australian version of Skins and I honestly can not describe how awesome this show is. Just watch it.

On that note, so school's back since this Tuesday. Nothing major yet, mostly just getting back our half yearly results which has been less than thrilling. Especially getting my Ext Maths and Chem results ugh (>.<;) It's weird because those were the subjects I prepared the most for and I did the worst in? Does that even make sense? Like I prepared so insufficiently for Modern and Japanese and recycled old essays for my English speech and I received the highest marks for them...I don't know if its either A) My Eng, Modern and Japanese teachers are going easy on me or B) I am really, naturally better at Humanities. My mum's always going on about this - that I shouldn't do Engineering or Science as I feel naturally inclined towards. But apparently not as good at.
Should I just give up on ever being an engineer or doing anything in science/research? But then again, I know that this year round even though I prepared the most for Chem and Maths, in comparison to previous exams I prepared so completely insufficiently. I mostly stressed, freaked out which left me with no motivation to study. And I think that also Chemistry and Ext 1 are one of those subjects where you can't really just wing it like I did with my Modern and Japanese. Like, in Japanese I didn't know all the vocab (but I do intend to learn them from now on...I know I lost focus before) but I had been getting so much practice with Japanese conversation in the past few weeks (and translating in this blog) so I already knew all the structures and we don't have to know that much kanji for the Beginner's course so that wasn't too difficult to write the ji. Even though I came out of that exam thinking it was the worse performance I've ever done in a Japanese exam I somehow pulled through with a 96. I have a strong feeling this will not be the case for the HSC and trials so I need to study harder than ever if I want to get the best possible academic result I am capable of. It was the same for Modern, I revised the reading from the text book and got out 2 historians names the day before, prepared 2 essay plans and remembered the rest. No extra notes like I usually do except the ones that I had already done for WWI last year. Nothing. It makes me feel like if this is what I can do with minimal preparation then maybe it is possible for me to achieve a higher mark with comprehensive preparation.

Anyway, long rant; long story short - I need to keep focused. I lost so much of that this year but from now on, I understand what to prioritise more now.

We also received our Yr 12 jackets that Chantelle designed for us yesterday afternoon which was exciting. It looks a lot like varsity jackets haha but I think it's a cute design and much better than last years. And also its just really cool not having to wear our blazers anymore you know? Like, what makes us Yr 12ers. I almost feel like I should feel different from how I felt when I was in Yr 10. Like in an older, more mature way but in many ways I still feel my understanding of the way things work in this world is so incomplete.
Waiting for our jackets - Dave and Ally-wa!

Other miscellaneous work story: Being the weird Asian girl.

So I was just emptying the bin out into this big dumpster out in the back which is shared between the Thai, Italian and the Chinese restaurants. When I tipped in however all these flies suddenly came out and I  , thinking no one else was around, said rather loudly to myself "Gross gross gross" and then when I turned to go back there were these 3 guys from one of the other restaurants who were just chilling, on their lunch break staring at me and it was pretty embarrassing haha....that'll be my identifier to them from now on - the weird Asian girl.

Ehh better get started on my Personality speech for Modern. Ugh its due in two weeks and I haven't started. Signing off!

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